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life coaching

Gain clarity about what you really want out of life, realize your dreams,  reach your full potential, and live a happier, more fulfilling and meaningful life

Adult ADHD Coaching

Conquer overwhelm, reduce stress, learn proven strategies to overcome your ADHD challenges, discover and cultivate your strengths, achieve your goals, and thrive

Parent Coaching

Shift your perspective about your child and see a new child, learn the tools to move from chaos to calm, empower yourself with targeted support for your child to be be his best self, restore the joy of being a parent and in family life

Tween, Teen,and Young ADult ADHD coaching 

Learn how to get more done in less time, with less stress, and have more time to do what you really love

Aviva Nirenberg, PCAC, PCC

Certified ADHD Coach and Life Coach
(845) 521-0039

Airmont, New York


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