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ADHD Family Coaching

​parent coaching


Unfortunately, kids don't come with an owner's manual and if they did kids with ADHD would need a different set of instructions. So, if your tired of constant battles, chaos, and sleepless nights, it's time for a new approach. Through coaching parents acquire the skills to: 


  • Communicate with calm

  • End the cycle of fighting

  • Provide tools for your child's academic success

  • End homework battles and the chore wars

  • Discipline effectively

  • Create routines that work

  • Discover healthy lifestyle habits that reduce ADHD symptoms

  • Solve everyday challenges

  • Set realistic expectations

  • Build a beautiful relationship with your child

  • Stop worrying, enjoy parenting and create a happy home
















teen coaching


If your teen is overwhelmed, stressed and failing short of their potential, partnering with a coach will empower them with the tools and strategies to gain confidence and succeed at home, at school and with friends. Your teen will learn to:


  • Understand your ADHD and how it impacts you

  • Let go of self-blame

  • Optimize focus and minimize distraction

  • Get motivated, start, and finish tasks

  • Discover and develop your unique strengths and talents

  • Reduce stress and overwhelm

  • Manage emotions and impulsivity 

  • Develop a tool box of strategies for better time-management and organization

  • Plan and Prioritize for short-term and long-term projects

  • Develop self-confidence and thrive





















college student/young adult coaching


The transition to college and young adulthood can be particularly challenging for individuals with ADHD. With the excitement of increased independence  often comes the loss of familiar routines, structure, and parental oversight. Coaching at this stage provides accountability and tools to:


  • Organize  your time and personal space

  • Develop strategies to regulate your emotions and reduce impulsive behavior

  • Initiate tasks and sustain motivation

  • Focus and follow projects through to completion

  • Meet Deadlines

  • Balance work or academics with your social life

  • Learn to take responsibility for your own self-care - (food, exercise, sleep, laundry, and finances)

  • Relax and reduce stress

  • Build self-confidence based on real successes


​Coaching sessions can be conducted in person for those in Rockland County, NY or surrounding areas or by phone or video conferencing for clients across the globe.

"ADHD Coaching is the single most effective tool in ADHD self-management."

-Dr. Ned Hallowell M.D. - World renowned ADHD expert, NY Times Best Selling author, and child and adult psychiatrist

"Coaching is wonderful for those with ADHD because it gets to all the nitty gritty stuff that medication does not address. Medication can reduce the symptoms of ADHD, but it does not teach you how to get organized or get a better job."

Dr. Patricia Quinn - Pediatrician and Director of the National Center for Women and Girls with ADHD

Aviva Nirenberg, PCAC, PCC

Certified ADHD Coach and Life Coach
(845) 521-0039

Airmont, New York


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